Mohan Meakin Ltd

BUY AT INR 2,310.00

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About The Company

The history of Mohan Meakin back to the establishment of a Brewery at Kasauli by Edward Dyer in 1855. He was India’s brewing pioneer who brought – the modern beer. He realized for the first time that there were a few spots on earth where a really good drink was more welcome and Kasauli was one of them. During the same century, another enterprising man, named H. G. Meakin, coming from a well – known brewing family of Burton – on – Trent where he was trained, came forward with enviable enthusiasm and founded Meakin & Co. Ltd. He bought the old Shimla and Kasauli Breweries and built others at Dalhousie, Ranikhet, Chakrarta, Darjeeling and kirkee.
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Shri L.K. Malhotra
Shri. Hemant Mohan
Shri Rajesh Kedia
Shri H.N. Handa
Managing Director
Chief Financial Officer
Company Secretary



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